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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

Freedom in Letting Go...

Freedom in Letting Go...

So here's what I know:  I'm a work in progress.  Here's what I'm learning: there's freedom in letting go.  I am also realizing that I make things too hard, WAY too hard!! 

You know, the older I get the more and more I like to see the "big" picture.  I want to know the end result.  I'm known to become impatient too.  (yikes)   Can anyone else relate?  I want to bypass the race, and cross the finish line.  But that's not how God works. 

Have you ever heard a message or read a particular scripture and it's like it hits you straight in the chest?  Your heart starts racing.  If you were in a cartoon,  a think bubble would appear with a gigantic lightbulb with exclamation points all around?  Do you know what I'm talking about?  Well--that lightbulb moment happened to me not too long ago. 

Our pastor was speaking and he said something to the effect of "I'm not God--so stop trying to figure everything out!  He's God!  He has the big picture and plan for your life!"  DING ! DING! DING! EMILY!!!  Honestly, I hadn't realized I was trying to be God. I was totally convicted by how I constantly try to control and manipulate situations or "plan ahead".  I realized I was actually MISSING God!  I don't know about you, but I do NOT want to get ahead of God or miss Him!!

You see, He has a perfect plan for you and I (Jeremiah 29:11).  Each of us have a special path only HE knows because HE designed it.  It is our job to lay down our lives and trust Him.  Trusting isn't always easy for those of us that like to know what we are getting ourselves into, eh?  I promise I get it.  I am actually learning more and more each day of how to let go and just let God be God! 

The Bible tells us that we should trust the Lord with all of our heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

We are called to trust Him with everything, every piece of our heart AND lean NOT on our own understanding.  When we relinquish that control of not trying to understand, we begin to trust Him.  When we begin to trust Him, He "makes our paths straight", which means He guides and leads us through life!! 

In the book of Isaiah, God tells us that His ways are not our ways.  God sees the big picture, guys.  Sometimes when we feel our prayers are going unnoticed or unanswered, rest assured He has a plan that is better.  And He IS listening---always!

I don't know who needs to hear this today/tonight, but I just feel like someone out there needs to know that you are not alone.  He sees you and hears you.  Trust the Lord to make your paths straight.  He has plans for you!  He is your hope!  Lean into that Truth.  If you are struggling with giving Him an area of your life it's ok to pray, "Lord, please help me release this to You!"  He already knows your heart, just put it into motion by speaking it out!  This is not an overnight process, but I promise it's worth it!! 

Let's pray!! 

Father, You know our burdens.  You see everything and know what's best for us.  Help us to let go and let YOU be YOU!  If there is any area that we need to release to You, please open our hearts and our eyes to see.  I love you, Lord!  I am so grateful that you continue to grow me, mold me, and shape me.  Forgive me for wanting to harbor control.  I release this life to You!  Thank you for each person reading this blog tonight.  May you bless them and be with them now.  In Jesus' Name, Amen! 

I love you guys!!  Keep trusting Him!  He will provide answers and show you mighty things!! 

Believing with you!!!





It's Been a While...on Purpose

It's Been a While...on Purpose