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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,



Do you know your "why"? Do you know that you are here, in this moment in time, for a very real purpose?  Yes, my dear. YOU HAVE A PURPOSE.  YOU are NOT where you are as a result of an accident.  Whether you realize it or not God has purposed you with a plan--even if you think you've botched things up, He's not surprised and knew what you were going to do all along.  God tells us that before He formed us in the womb, He knew us, before we were born, He set us apart (Jeremiah 1:5).  

I have been fighting my "why".  Yes--brutal honesty right here.  I think I have fought my "why" for many years.  No, I don't think...I know. But there's good news!  God never gave up on me!  He has been whispering my name--wooing me back to Him.  Some of us are a bit more hard headed than others, aren't we? 

Looking back over my life I can see His hand.  I can see where He was there all along.  Even when I balked. He never left me.   

My mom and I were talking this morning about the books of the Old Testament.  We were laughing and sharing various stories that we love and people that stand out for one reason or another.  We are New Testament living now, but did you know all of those people, places, and happenings in the Old Testament have a real relevance for us today?  How many times have you said, "ok God--this is it!  I'm all in!" only to fall flat on your face 2 days later?  Anyone?  I know I have!  I love reading and studying people in the Old Testament because I can clearly see how broken they were and how God used them.  I mean, look at King David!  The man lusted after Bathseheba, slept with her (while she was married), got her pregnant, THEN HAD HER HUSBAND KILLED!! And guess what!?  God still used him!  Even better--He calls David a man after His own heart.

Broken vessel.  Still used.  God loved him through it all. 

That's my story.  That's your story.  If you will let Him. 

God wants to use you--even with all of your baggage.  If you and I were sitting down together having coffee--I would tell you that He wants to use you BECAUSE of your baggage!  If you will surrender.  Surrendering means giving Him everything ugly and unclean.  He will wash you whiter than snow.  He will put a new day before you. 

Won't you come?  Won't you bring your surrender to the cross?  It truly is a sweet, sweet moment.  He's a chain breaker.  I have physically felt chains fall off me when I release them to Him--sometimes it took a while.  Sometimes it's a day after day surrender of letting go.  But I promise you it's worth it.  There's freedom in that surrender!!!   And God wants to use you. 

Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity

Freedom in Letting Go...

Freedom in Letting Go...