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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity

I learned a huge lesson recently.
It’s been hard and one that I’m still in training, but God has been gently tending my heart and I wanted to share with you. Maybe you’ve been struggling lately too.

Sometimes when you’re faced with yourself it ain’t so pretty. Taking responsibility for yourself and actions is a full time job and a hard job!! That is why it is imperative to have a truth speaking person in our inner circle. Find someone who isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings and help you sift through those feelings to see the light. The key is keeping your heart soft and pliable to allow those insecurities to be called out.

How do you keep your heart soft? By staying under the shelter of the Almighty and trusting Him with it. This is an ongoing process and one that calls for you to lay yourself down daily. By killing our desires we allow the Holy Spirit to mold us. It is not easy because we are human and want our way. I needed help seeing that recently. I was only able to work through it by the help of a person in my inner circle that I trusted.

I am an extremely private person by nature, but we are designed for fellowship. We need fellowship with the Father and with one another. His Word tells us He never leaves us and a friend
can help sharpen us in our Walk with Him. He will often use people to help us process life (especially when we so desperately need an audible voice).

The older I get the smaller my inner circle of friends becomes. I’m not sure if it’s by choice or by a natural sift of life. I heard it once said that some friends enter into our life for a season. That statement resonated something deep in my soul. I didn’t like it because there was a time when I clung to friends as a lifeline. I put people on a throne that had no place. There is only One that belongs on the throne of my heart and my life and that is Jesus Christ. He is the only One that deserves that kind of praise and control.

Recently through a turn of ugly events I had come to the end of my rope. I desperately wanted change, but I was pointing at the wrong direction. I was pointing fingers at those around me, blaming them for their actions and accusing them of wrongdoing when in actuality I was the issue. Admitting that is not easy, friends! It’s so much easier to blame others.

Change in life is inevitable. I actually love change! A chance at a new beginning? Yes, please! Sign me up! But with change comes a place of surrender (back to that place again). Change brings new opportunities and change for growth. Change brings new people to the forefront. The question is am I willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work and allow people to help me reach my full potential?

Love Them Anyway

