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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

Love Them Anyway


It’s hard sometimes isn’t it? To love that person that doesn’t seem so lovable, or that person that doesn’t seem to quite give back what you think they should.   Relationships and people are just hard sometimes!  I’m kind of in that spot with a particular relationship in my life. It seems like I give and reach out, but I’m often met with silence. That’s hard to process. I often feel like saying “hey- you either want in or you don’t.  Pick one!” But that’s not what I’m called to do. I’m called to love this person right where they are - even if I don’t quite understand.  I have to remind myself that this really isn’t about me.  We all carry something of some sort- whether we like to admit it or not.  I’m learning that people can’t give what they don’t have.  I think I forget that sometimes.  People are just people. At the end of the day I can give the best love when I don’t put MY expectations on someone. So for now- I’m gonna love them anyway 

My 500 Words

Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity