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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

Why Do I Do This?!

Why Do I Do This?!

I have it all planned out. Plans to take care of you, not abandon you. Plans to give you the future you hope for. Jeremiah 29:11 MSG

This morning this verse brought tears to my eyes. I have been anxious and worrying about “what’s next”. I have been out of school (work) for close to 3 months now. School is back in session and I’m still here in the in between. I will be honest and tell you that I haven’t been great at this whole “new season loading…”. Sure, I may appear to have it together, a plan in action, and carrying on with my days, but I have been questioning and doubting every step of the way. UGH! I KNOW better than to do this!

Times like these makes me step back and ask myself just where exactly I am putting my faith? Am I creating chaos by trying to do things myself? Have I been paralyzed by the lack of faith? Have my eyes gotten off of the One Who leads the way?

The answer is quite simply, yes.

But this morning…..ohhhh this morning….The Lord spoke directly to my wandering heart. He gently called me back into His Wings by reminding me of His Promise. His Promise that says He will take care of me, HIs Promise that He won’t abandon me (even when I may have abandoned Him), His Promise that He has a future for me….a future that I HOPE for! Whew! That last little bit…

Plans to give me a future that I hope for

Friend, can I share something with you? God is a dreamer. He has hopes and dreams for each one of us. I think sometimes we get full of ourselves thinking that we are the ones that come up with that dream. It’s almost laughable to me because I am a firm believer that The Lord Who fashioned and formed me (and you) in my mother’s womb had a plan for me before I even graced this earth. (Psalm 139)

My mama cross stitched a poem when I was a little girl titled “Said the Robin to the Sparrow”. I used to read this poem over and over and wonder what it meant. Little did I know that this little poem would resonate deep in my soul even as a little girl.

“Said the Robin to the Sparrow

I would really like to know

why these anxious human beings

rush around and worry so.

Said the Sparrow to the Robin,

Friend, I think that it must be

they have no Heavenly Father

such as cares for you and me”

I don’t know for certain, but I can’t help but wonder if the author of this poem is basing it off of Matthew 6:25-27 in the Bible-His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Coincidence? I think not…

Today, I’m reminded that all of my worries and cares are already taken care of. My Heavenly Father has a plan and a future already mapped out. The question is am I willing to release my control and TRUST HIS PLAN—even if I don’t see “it” working out. His plans are good for me.

May you be encouraged today that Jesus Christ goes before you and prepares the way. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He holds you in the very palm of His hand.

God bless!


The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

New Chapter Anyone?

New Chapter Anyone?