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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

The internet is such a fickle place. We see everything. We see the good, the bad, the ugly, and sometimes things we wish we hadn’t seen. Whether by accident or on purpose the internet is a fickle place. We want to spotlight our highs and while I can get behind that, things can confuse people.

I honestly have a love-hate relationship with social media and the internet. Our world today is so fast-paced it can be hard to keep up at times! Whether we realize it or not this pace is deteriorating us. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself how many people you know that might be suffering from some type of mental health. Some of this mental health is due to comparison which can cause self depreciating ideas and self loathe. Sometimes this causes us to doubt ourself and our value,

Mental health is a buzz word these days. We see and hear about it all around us. When I was growing up we didn’t talk about mental health. Things such as depression were not discussed or mentioned. We were expected to put on our bootstraps and keep on going. While I agree with this attitude I also see some flaws in it. Depression is a real thing. It isn’t pretty nor is it fun to walk in. It’s hard work to dig out of it. And it must be talked about!

With that being said, I’ve been in a bit of a funk for a few months now. Sharing this is not easy for me. Vulnerability is hard, but I believe by sharing our stories we can help one another.

This morning I woke up and God showed up in a mighty way. I have been desperate to hear from Him. I had lost my way of believing and knowing who I am. The enemy has hit me with all kinds of lies causing me to believe I am not worthy. Isn’t that just like the devil? I mean, he caused Eve to doubt and looked how that turned out!

Now, some of you know me, some of you don’t. Those who know me would probably describe me as a passionate, faith-believing, big-personality type of woman. I know what I want, and who I am, and nobody will get in my way of believing that. Until “someone” did…

Long story short I started believing I wasn’t competent. What a joke! I am more than a conqueror because the Bible tells me so! Romans 8: 31 says “What, then, shall we say in response to these things: If God is for us, who can be against us? and Roman 8:37, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”

I have forgotten these verses. My mama has spoken and prayed these verses over my brother and me since we were little. I’ve heard these verses all of my life and somehow I let the devil speak differently. What’s worse? I started believing him! UGH!!!!!

I’m thankful for friends and family that hold me accountable. Even when it’s hard, we need truth spoken into us. We may not like hearing it. It may sting, but it’s truth we deserve. It’s this truth that can kick you in your gut and you may get mad for a moment. It’s ok, if they’re in your life and speaking into your situation, please listen. Please hear them. I’m positive it’s from a place of love. It’s their way of fighting for you and with you.

Digging out of this pit is not easy. Work has to be done. We have to be willing to allow things to come to the surface so they can be addressed and listen to those who God strategically placed in our lives.

Have you done that? Have you forgotten too? Might I share some truth with you today?

This morning as I was praying and talking with the Lord I prayed a desperate prayer; “Lord I know I need to read your Word. I need to hear from you! Please show me where I need to go!”

Yall! He answered and answered quickly!

I was directed to start reading and studying in Ephesians. I didn’t even get through the first chapter when my spirit man started jumping! I saw, read, and heard the words chosen, redeemed, holy, appointed…YALL!! THIS!! THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED REMINDING OF!!

I needed reminding of Who I belong to, who I am, and that I have a predestined calling and purpose on my life. None of this is in vain. He knew “Emily” before she was fashioned and formed in her mother’s womb (Psalm 139). He created her personality with all of the good stuff - the talkative, passionate, driven, lo person. HE DID THAT! I haven’t questioned this in the past so why now?

After our time together I sat pondering how FULL I was. I wondered how many others are sitting in the quiet recesses of their minds and hearts silently suffering.

Friend, I’ve been there too. I’m climbing and clawing my way out of the pit. You are not alone.

I also believe this is not for me to keep to myself. Our job as Christ’s followers is to encourage one another and share our stories. The problem is usually being vulnerable. We don’t want others to see the pit.

I get it! I’m not necessarily proud of where I’ve been, but I’m coming out! I want you to know that we serve a Heavenly Father who promises never to leave us. He’s there, waiting. Sometimes we want all of the answers and the freedom, but without the movement. We have a responsibility to move too.

So, today, if you’re in the valley know that you are not alone!
God sees you and He has equipped you. He has also aligned people in your life for you to be honest with. You don’t have to do this alone!

This is the sweet spot. The spot that no one wants to talk about. But you know what? On the other side of all the pain and heartache is so much joy!

He’s waiting

Won’t you call out to Him?

Blessings friends!


Why Do I Do This?!

Why Do I Do This?!