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It’s a Heart Issue

It’s a Heart Issue

It’s a Heart Issue

God called David a Man After His Own Heart. When I think of people of the Bible David always stands out. I don’t think that is not intentional.

A young Shepard boy (David) was anointed to be king of Israel at a young age. He didn’t look the part to his brothers or his dad, but God saw him. God CHOSE him. God had a plan for him even before he was born (Pslam 139-I formed you in your mother’s womb and Jeremiah 29:11 - for I (the Lord) know the plans I have for you). David was 100% human. Although he knew the call on his life he walked it out. That doesn’t mean he was perfect. David made some MAJOR mistakes, yet the Lord still calls him A Man After God’s Heart.

That gives me hope. I am not a perfect person. I make major mistakes, yet the fact that the Lord still forgives me and see past that gives me life! Does that give you hope too? It should.

There’s a scripture in the book of Ezekiel that rocked my world a few years back.

Ezekiel 36:26 I will remove your heart of stone and give you a new heart. A heart of stone to a heart of flesh.

This scripture is talking about our cold hearts. You know, the heart that wants revenge, is callous towards others, a heart that has walls around it that keeps others out, for a heart of flesh. A soft heart, a heart willing to love, and forgive, and see past ourself to see others and their pain.

That’s what I’m talking about!!

I don’t know about you, but the legacy I want to leave on this earth is to be known as a Woman After God’s Own Heart. I want God to see me for my heart for Him, even though I may stumble and fall. Because you see, He saw David. He saw David’s love and affection for HIM.

When we pray that prayer in Ezekiel God starts moving. When we pray for our enemies be prepared (and willing to admit) our faults in the situation. Also be prepared for Him to change YOU. The question will be asked “are you willing?” The choice is ours. That’s just it: CHOICE.

Am I willing to have a heart of flesh - one that God can mold and shape into the person He has called me to be?

I want that.

HE wants that.

My prayer today is that He would give me a heart of stone for a heart of flesh— whatever that means because at the end of my life I want to hear the words “good job my faithful servant”

Blessings to you today, my friend! I pray that God would soften our hearts and help us to love the way HE has called us to love

So Here I  Am...

So Here I Am...

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