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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

So Here I  Am...

So Here I Am...

I retired from teaching at the end of May this year. I served 26 years in the classroom. I loved teaching. I truly believe that is what I was called to do, but lately I find myself in the “in between”. I have always heard you would know when it was time to go. I just don’t think I believed I would ever find myself there. I know that sounds crazy to some, but it’s true. So here I am….

This summer has been a quiet one for me. I’m not great at rest, if I’m honest. I love laying out in my pool and going to the beach, but school was always in the back of my mind. I was still planning and preparing for the upcoming school year, so I’m not really sure I rested during my summers. So here I am…

I have a good friend that is always fussing at me about taking better care of myself and slowing down. I’m realizing that she was right. I never truly stopped. So here I am…

There has been lots of time to think and contemplate over what my next move is. Honestly, the last few years in the classroom has kicked my tail. I have been sick more than I ever have, the stress was overwhelming, and I was losing my excitement. This wasn’t me. I didn’t like who I had become. I thought I was doing a good job at masking it until this past school year. So here I am…

A lot of people have asked me what’s next for Emily. I wish I had an answer. I think that’s why I’m here right now, pushing out some thoughts. I know I’m not the only one that’s faced this or will face this season. So, here I am…

I’m a writer, a teacher, a mom, a wife… I still have a lot to offer this world. I know that to be true. Yet, here I am in the stillness and quiet and I’ve yet to truly hear from the Lord. It’s like He is being quiet. So here I am…

Have you ever been in a season like this? There’s a calm and rest, but it doesn’t quite seem like the Lord is speaking to you? I believe this is a season He is wanting me to walk out and see Him. It’s not been easy because I am so very human and want definite answers and direction. But maybe….maybe He is asking me to just be still. (Especially since I’m not great at being still) So here I am…

Today is my first blog post in a few years. I have been so busy that I haven’t shared. I have missed you. I have missed this. I hope you follow along as “Stella gets her groove back”. So here I am…

I’m at peace, truly at peace, for the first time in quite some time. Although I know I will miss my students, there’s a peace in knowing that I can truly be present for my family. They are my purpose. They are the real reason I’m here. So here I am..

Here I am Lord, use me (with open and surrendered hands)

Own Advice

Own Advice

It’s a Heart Issue

It’s a Heart Issue