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All Things New

All Things New

It's May, yall!  I love the month of May--and not because it's my birth month (wink-wink).  I love watching the earth wake up from a long winter's break.  I enjoy seeing the new life springing up all around.  Let's be honest....May is really when the Mid-South FEELS and LOOKS like spring!  But this year, May has brought a deeper meaning of appreciation of all things new for me.  This:

He who sits on the throne said I am making everything new--Revelation 21:5.

Do you ever have seasons where you think, "WHAT next!?!"  Well--we have been in that season.  It seems we have dealt with sickness, death, and "little" hiccups along the way that just really throw things for a loop.  You know what I mean.... LIFE!!  I'm beginning to appreciate these seasons because I can look back and see His faithfulness--but it has definitely been a process to get here.  I can see the molding and the shaping.  But friends, while in the midst of those seasons--all I can do is cry out to the Lord! 

Last week seemed to be the week I literally was at my breaking point.  I know this is cliché to say but, He really does not give us more than we can handle.  I know this sounds so trite, but I have walked it too many times to know He will not fail me.  He always comes through!!

Another verse that I have clung to lately is found in 1 Kings 18.  If you have never read this chapter or book, I want to encourage you to get your Bible out and see what you find!  Basically, the story goes like this:  there was a severe drought in Samaria.  The prophet Elijah was running from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel--Jezebel was a wicked queen killing the Lord's prophets.  During this severe drought Elijah told his servant to look to the sky (after Elijah had prayed to God asking Him for rain).  His servant looked, but saw nothing. He did this six times, sending his servant to look to the sky only to see nothing.  But on the SEVENTH time the servant looked to the sky, He said "A small cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea" 1 Kings 18:44. 

YALL!!  Do you understand the magnitude of this "small cloud"!?!  God was about to send rain!!  After years of severe drought, God is showing up! See???  He NEVER leaves us!  His timing is always PERFECT!!!!  Are you in a season of drought with seemingly no hope?

If you're in a difficult season and need "rain"--hold tightly to Hope, He's there with you now!  Although the circumstance may look bleak,  I promise He is good and He is faithful to save you!  When you come out on the other side you will be able to see Him and what He has done.   Your story isn't over.  I know you might not understand right now and you might not understand until the other side of Eternity.  But trust in Him because He knows the plans He has for you--plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!  Hold tightly to this, my friend!  He will never let go of you!!  Even if you don't "feel" it right now, just keep calling on that Promise--choices lead, feelings follow.

Lord, thank you for each person that is reading this post today.  I ask that you would give them peace in the midst of whatever circumstance they are facing in this very moment.  You know our needs before we even ask, Father.  I'm standing in the gap for my friends asking you to show up and show them YOU.  ARE. GOD!!  I praise you for this season because I am learning to rely more and more on You.  You are good, Father!  We praise you and thank you for making all things new!!  AMEN!!

Blessings to each of you!!! 



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