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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

What's Your Story

What's Your Story

I have a confession....I love a cemetery.  I know... I know... some of you are probably thinking "WHAT!", but hear me out before you diss the thought. 

Thursday we celebrated the life of Jason's me-maw.  She lived a full 91 years.  She was a beautiful lady, inside and out.  Her life spoke of her testimony- she was loved by many and served well.  Her legacy will live on through the lives of her son, daughter in law,  and grandchildren.  It was not a sad day.  She was ready to go Home.   We know she is rejoicing today and forevermore, and we will see her again one day!  

After her burial, as family kind of lingered around the grave reminiscing,  I began noticing the graves around Memaw's.  My thoughts began running wild!  Who was this person?  What was their life like?  Did they take advantage of the life they were given?  Questions, questions, questions turned into story, after story, after story.

It's a bit overwhelming if you think about it. Life.  We have one shot at it.  The question is:  do we make the most of it?  I admit that I sometimes run around like a crazy person instead of savoring the moments and it's exhausting doing life that way, and Jesus doesn't want that for us.  Remember chaos doesn't come from Him.

Jesus tells us that He came so that we can have life, and have it to the full in John 10:10.  So what does it mean to have a full life?  To live a full life we empty of ourselves so that Jesus fill us.  Jesus is all we need, yall!  Not rules and restrictions, that's religion.  There's freedom in Jesus!  Just Jesus.

I am still learning how to let go so that I can live in His fullness.  This process has been messy and UGLY, yall!  I laughingly tell my best friend all of the time "be careful what you pray for because He might answer!" Let me explain--

At the beginning of this year I "happened" upon a verse in Ezekiel (don't you love when God shows up and meets you where you are!?  Those moments that you think just happened?  Sweet friend, let me tell you--they are God ordained--no matter how close or far away you think you are from God.  He loves you enough to pursue you.).  Anyway, the verse reads: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.  This verse leapt off the page at me! 

At this point, I began to pray for Him to give me a new heart and put a new spirit in me, to remove my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. ( Flesh in this verse is representing God's will.)  I want to be totally surrendered to God's will in EVERY area of my life.  So I began praying this prayer and man, oh man!  He has been cleaning out and cleaning UP!  So that comment to my friend to be careful what you pray for? Get ready!  Because if you have a receptive heart, He moves QUICK! 

What I'm trying to say in all of this is--to have a fullness of Christ is to be obedient to do His will, to die to "me".  I don't want to waste another second doing things my way. His way is always better.  He has a hope and a future for me and I can trust His plan. 

At the end of my life I want to say that I did my best to live for Him and I had an impact on the world.  I love that each day is a new day.  God makes all things new, yall!  He is ever moving and changing us.  His mercies are new each morning--morning could represent a season in time, a moment, or a brand new day.  So today I want to encourage you.  If you've been in a rut or a season where you feel on the "outskirts"--don't wait another minute!  Turn to Him!!  He will make you new!!  Take all of your worries to the cross.  It really is that simple.  Just lay it down and start today!! 




All Things New

All Things New

WOW, God!

WOW, God!