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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

WOW, God!

WOW, God!

This morning's Quiet time hit me like a bolt of lightning right in the heart.  You see, sometimes we find ourselves in times of struggle.  Circumstances may look bleak, and we may be confused or even sad.  BUT!!  We have a Daddy who sees us.  He showed up today for me.  He loves us so much that He sent His ONLY SON so that we might live and have fellowship with Him!  This gives me peace because life comes at us fast sometimes. 

Today I was led to a scripture in Philippians--Philippians 4:13, in fact.    I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.  Ok y'all, now, I'm about to share something that He revealed to me this morning.  I'm praying you will receive with an open heart...here goes....

One of the hub's favorite Bible verses is Phil. 4:13.  He often tells our children if they are struggling with something "You can do ALL things through Christ".  Yes.  Absolutely.  I believe this with my whole being, but how many of us have truly read this scripture in context? 

I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to back up and read this verse in context this morning.  So I read Philippians 4:10-13-- But Verse 11 struck me.   Paul is stating he is content in ANY circumstance he may find himself in at the moment: "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need..."  Y'all! Paul has discovered the true meaning of contentment!!  How many of us are walking around restless, unsettled, or confused?  This left me wondering how many times have I found myself looking at circumstances instead of looking to Him.  

 Contentment is the state of happiness.  And if we dig a little deeper into the meaning of "state"--, state means condition of being or a way of living. Now...let's put those together:  for I have learned to live happy whatever the circumstances. 

True contentment does not come from worldly possessions, popularity, or relationships.   Things may give us happiness and fuzzy feelings for a moment, but things fade.  Struggles don't last a lifetime.  Struggles come and go.  If we will let them, struggles are a time of refinement and a glorious unfolding of God's will for our lives.

True contentment comes from the Father above.  How can I be content?  By getting alone with Jesus.  When we have a true revelation of His love and His mercy we find TRUE contentment.  We find contentment when we seek Him.  When we quiet ourselves so that we can hear from Him. 

Yes, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me because I have found to be content in Him.  He is my refuge and my support.  Though I may not always understand, there is peace. 

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What's Your Story

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