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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

Intentional is the Word

Intentional is the Word


“Grease is the word, is the word, the word…” You know the theme song!!  

But today

Intentional is the word, is the word, the wooord……


Nowadays the thing to do is to have a “word” for the upcoming year.  Well, I have mine, but let me tell you, it wasn’t by my choosing.  It popped up one day and chose ME!  It has come back to me over the past 3 or 4 months.  I am desperate to know how it applies to my life!

One morning I heard Him say , “Intentional, Emily”.


“Intentional.  I want you to be more intentional”.

Intentional, Lord?   Ok.  But what exactly does that MEAN? Then the questions began flooding my mind.

But, silence…

This is where the rubber meets the road.  It was left up to me to do some work, some digging.  (Don’t you just love how He can be “sneaky” that way?  To get us to abide in His will?)

 How many times have we known God has asked something of us or He has spoken, but we stop almost frozen?  I am learning that He is speaking and I am listening, but am I putting forth the effort or taking my part in what He is asking or telling me to do?  I think we forget that when He speaks that He is asking us to keep our eyes on Him.  Ultimately WE have to STEP OUT of that boat and stepping out of that boat is work!   

Intentional.  Ok, Lord--I kept asking “What does that mean”?

As I pondered this word, I couldn’t help but be think of my character.  I tend to be flighty—forgetful—and just an all around Loosy Goosy. BUT!  He responded to those thoughts with:  I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14,  I am made in His image Genesis 1:27 and that His purpose is always for my good Romans 8:28.  So I took another look as to who I am.

 I am a word nerd.  I love language.  I love phrases and learning meanings behind words. I love to read and write and TALK:  Word.  Nerd!

To understand “my word” I need to know what it means.  Intentional means done on purpose.  A few synonyms of intentional are:  purposeful, deliberate, and thoughtful. 

 Hmmmm…yep…I hear You, Lord…ultimately He is asking me to be more orderly.  Our God is a God of order-1 Corinthians 14:33.  Chaos and confusion are not His character.  When I am more intentional I am at Peace. And Peace is a Person 2 Thessalonians 3:16.  

Being intentional is really about discipline.  Discipline is not a favored word these days.  Discipline is HARD, yall!  I mean, how many of us REALLY like to eat healthy or exercise?  It takes DISCIPLINE!  It takes discipline to get up early or set aside time to plan meals or workout.   Our time with the Father is no different.  He is not asking anything of me that Jesus didn’t do Mark 1:35.  Jesus is the ultimate role model for taking time to sneak away and have intentional time with The Master Luke 5:17.   Discipline is a choice I make every day and it’s a battle of the flesh Galatians 5:17.

If I do a little digging on discipline I find Hebrews 12:11-- for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. (EEEK!!!)

So this intentional lesson He is teaching me?  It’s all about discipline.  Discipline that is seemingly painful when I am called to wake up before the sun rises when I would rather stay in my warm bed.  BUT will later produce peaceful fruit (and who doesn’t want that)!  I love how the Lord loves us, yall!  I love being a life learner of Him. 

Today I challenge you: 

Are you being intentional with spending time with the Lord? 

This weekend would be a great time to connect with Him--He is patiently waiting

Blessings, friends!! 

WOW, God!

WOW, God!

Stepping Out

Stepping Out