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Welcome! Praying this blog helps you live out your God given identity,

Stepping Out

Stepping Out

Have you ever noticed the hardest part of new beginnings is to simply START?  I know I’m not the only one out there--it might be an exercise regime, a diet plan, or it may be taking a new job.  For me, the hardest part of"stepping out" is stepping into the unknown.  I have a tendency to over analyze and compare, if I’m being honest, with what God has asked me to do. 

This particular procrastination of starting something new began somewhere around June of last year for me.  I clearly heard the Lord tell me He wanted me to step out, but I keep putting it (Him) off.  I have questioned what this particular stepping out is supposed to look like, where I am supposed to be, or what I am supposed to say. I am finding out that He is simply asking me to be obedient.  I once heard Beth Moore say “partial obedience is disobedience”…YIKES…GULP…BUSTED…

There have been times I have had such a burning inside of me to write, but I have stopped myself due to comparison and questioning. This journey and lesson of stepping out has not been an easy one for me.  I am learning that I am not called to look like anyone else.  My story or walk is going to be different from everyone else because I am uniquely designed.  This is challenging for an over analyzer and a “thinker” as myself. I have sought a few close friends’ advice on the matter and time again I heard, “begin where you are”. 

 "Begin where I am” begs the question…where am I, exactly?  It has been fulfilling and frustrating in realizing that I am right where God wants me.  He clearly started this work long before I ever realized what was taking place.  I can look back over my life and see how pieces fit together in this beautiful puzzle He's crafting but I still have so many questions. 

I know what He has asked me to do.  I clearly heard Him.  I have handed over my heart and my life and I am open for His direction.  I clearly heard Him say, "Go". 

Speak, Emily. 

So why do I balk?  Anyone that knows me, knows that I L.O.V.E.  to talk! Growing up I can’t tell you how many times my parents had conferences because I "liked to talk and socialize in school"!   Isn’t it funny how God will use the very thing that needs shaping and polishing the most for His glory? I am learning that these "polishing and shaping" days can be the toughest in growing us!  

So today I am stepping out and inviting you to follow along.  I don’t know when I will write again or what I will say.  I am simply opening myself up to being obedient to do the Father's Will.  Won’t you join me?

Intentional is the Word

Intentional is the Word